Guest Barbara Villasenor is a co-lead of Google Christian Fellowship and founding member of Google's Inter Belief Network, an employee resource group...
With constant distraction at our fingertips, our routines around work can add up to days filled with...
Teach seminary students to rethink epistles for the modern worker.
If you've left your job, lost your job or been ousted out of a job, now what...
II Corinthians 5:14-20 For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all...
1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 (NIV) “So when we could stand it no longer, we thought it best to be left by ourselves in...
Text: John 15:1-17 1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He...
Advent may cause you to think about holiday sales, calendars filled with chocolates, or maybe candled wreaths on cold Sunday mornings. But...
As the creator of Peanuts reminds us, the hours we spend at work are so much more than just “work” hours. Many...
I’m learning that true discernment requires community.
Glynn Young remembers finding poetry in The High Calling network—poetry in the much broader sense of how God’s people spoke, wrote and talked with each other.
“Sometimes,” confesses salsa dancer Dana Ray, “we need the loneliness of crying on the kitchen floor to push us to the questions that matter.”
Can we care for the needy through political means?
Just about every commentary on Ephesians labels 5:22-33 something like “Instructions for Marriage,” and for good reason. This passage focuses on the...
Silence is one of the sins of omission that has allowed us to be in denial about racism in our country.
How are you doing in your work life at being sympathetic and loving, at being compassionate and humble?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9 is known as the “Shema.” This is the most significant passage of the Old Testament for the Jewish faith. The...
We won’t settle for pseudo-events. We won’t settle for success theater. We will be present together—in the physical world and in the...
When I was the pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church, I once got into considerable trouble with a man who was upset with...
Fourteen-year-old Larissa Heatley, Dallas Willard’s only granddaughter, delivered a personal tribute at his memorial service. She is sharing her message with us today, giving us a sweet, intimate...
You know you’re in the rhythm of motherhood when you’re sitting at the symphony, listening to the plucking of violin strings and you start picturing a sequence from a Tom and Jerry cartoon...
When I was two years old, my family moved to a new town in New Jersey. My parents opened up the Yellow Pages in search of a church to attend and decided on...
In Ephesians 1:10, we finally learn the content of God's "mystery," his big plan for the cosmos...
I don't know why I came.
God places the lonely in families he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. But he makes the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. Psalms 68:6 When I read Psalm 68:6, the...
When you discover that your unmarried teen-age daughter is pregnant, you feel anger, grief, sorrow, and shame among other emotions.
We are part of the Church at work in the lives of Christians on a daily basis. Together we share our stories...
In response to divisions among the Corinthian Christians over spiritual gifts, the Apostle Paul sought to help them understand who they really were in Christ.
Educating the laity about their role in the Church has been an emphasis of Howard Butt for more than sixty years.
As you may recall, the main problem in the Corinthian practice of the Lord's Supper was the failure of the members of the church to love and care for each other as they...
In yesterday's reflection, we noted how both past and present are central to our celebration of the Lord's Supper. Through the elements of bread and wine, we remember the death of Jesus, an event...
When I was a young Christian, I learned that communion was an intensely personal, even private moment of fellowship between Jesus and...
Psalm 133 envisions pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem to celebrate a religious festival. Though they have come from diverse places throughout the Ancient Near East, the pilgrims experience profound...
An associate of mine recently witnessed an all-too-common scene: four people at a restaurant table, deep in conversation . . . on four different cell phones. Think of it! Good friends finally...
Think about the people around you in your daily work. How can you pray for them?
Beginning in chapter 14 and spilling over into chapter 15, Paul teaches the Roman Christians how to deal with their theological and lifestyle differences. They are not to condemn each other, but to...
In Romans 12, the discussion of the church as the body of Christ emphasizes the way all parts of the body minister within the church. This passage reveals that every member is called...
The greatest communication success story in history is how the gospel spread across the Mediterranean world.
Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus, were Jesus’ good friends. He visited frequently in their home and loved them all dearly (John...
The Apostle Paul's saying that the church is one body is often cited as spiritual egalitarianism. The church has many members, yet remains one body, and each member plays a vital role.
"Music is my way of talking to you."—Louis Armstrong ...
I love jazz. When I hear it I think of Louis Armstrong: “Won’t you come along with me/down the Mississippi . . .”
The apostle Paul wrote in his biblical letter to the Philippians, if then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make...
We have seen that competition is essential, yet it can also hurt people. The Bible recognizes both of these facts. It accepts—and...
In the book of Exodus, God is the essential worker. The nature and intent of that divine work set the agenda for...
With Satan having done his worst, Job could really use some support. Job’s three friends enter the story and are depicted as...
Like Job’s, our sufferings often begin with difficulties at work. But seldom are God’s people equipped — or even willing —to help...
In a series of songs, the text describes the marriage of the man and woman and their coming together. The woman yearns...
One of the challenges we face in work is the temptation to put self and family ahead of society. The prophet Haggai...
The Sermon on the Mount opens with the beatitudes—eight statements beginning with the word blessed.[1] This word affirms a state of blessing that already exists. Each beatitude declares that a group of people...
Work as Prayerful Relationships: Mark 5 (Click Here to Read) This sermon from The High Calling discusses another healing miracle of Jesus in Mark (5:1-20) where Jesus brings healing to both a wayward...
The book of Acts begins with a post-resurrection interaction between Jesus and his disciples. Jesus teaches his disciples about “the kingdom of...
After Peter announces the Spirit’s creation of a new kind of community, Acts traces the rapid growth...
There is continuing debate about whether or not these community summaries advocate a certain economic system, with some commentators describing the practice...
Two final points are important to note with regard to the use of resources in the early...
When resources are properly deployed in the life of the Christian community—as they are after the selection of the table servers in...
The deaths of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) are nothing if not frightful and puzzling. The two, a married couple, sell a...
Acts 13:1-3 introduces us to a set of practices in the church at Antioch. This community is remarkable both for its ethnic...
The following discussion falls a little out of order (skipping over Acts 19:17-20 for the moment) so that we can cover the...
Paul thanks the Philippians for their support for him, both personal (Phil. 1:30) and financial (Phil. 4:10–11, 15–16). Throughout the New Testament...
We use the word church in a number of different ways. The word can refer to a building, the members of a congregation, worship services, a denomination, the church as an institution and...
It is only after we have admitted that the family takes many shapes and forms that we can ask what a Christian shape and form is and dream about how to better embody...
Committees intersect with two social phenomena: leadership and group or meeting dynamics. Christian hesitations about the appropriateness of committees arise from both spheres.
Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation; the Lord’s Supper (also called Communion or the Eucharist) is the sacrament of Christian growth and development. Both are vital.
The word community is on many people’s lips today and is used in many different ways.
There was a time, not so long ago, when if asked the question, What is your religion? people would respond by giving the name of their denomination.
The active promotion of the concept of friendship might lead us to the conclusion that it is widely experienced.
Each culture has its own customs of greeting.