PhotoPlay: Freeze Framing Life
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
As part of our Friday Pilgrimage series, Claire Burge invites us to take pictures along the way. For the past two weeks, I have been taking images of my mom – her hands, her eyes, her hair, her laugh…. You see, I live in Ireland and she lives in South Africa. I want to remember her when longing comes knocking on my door later this year; when her laughter no longer rings in my passageway. Friends would like to spend time with her too but I find that I am jealously possessive of the time we have together. Considering that it only happens twice a year, for a few short days, can I be blamed?
Images freeze time. It is this quality that makes photography not only important but necessary. When time is frozen, moments can be owned. Life is a pilgrimage with sacred value and photography helps us to freeze frame the significant landmarks along the way. Do your photo albums reflect these landmarks? I bet they do. Is it important to document a life journey through photography?
For Next Week
Reflect on the landmarks of your life. Then pick up your camera and capture a moment that signifies where you are on your personal pilgrimage right now. Share your experience by leaving your link in my comment box by Wednesday, August 18 for a definite display in the gallery and a possible feature on Friday, August 20. Photos and post by Claire Burge.