What’s the “Handling Fee”?
Audio / Produced by The High CallingTranscript
We all see the ads on TV: some new gadget at a great price. Then, WAIT! For a limited time, get TWO gadgets for pennies more. And oh, yes, there’s an extra handling fee.
Ahh. Watch out for that "handling fee."
Some people are like those gadgets and their extra charges: good on the job…a workplace value. But in the break room, one-on-one…their immaturity, insecurity, or rudeness undoes the good they do. In other words: some people come with a high handling fee.
This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. Good work is step one, but how well do we work with others? Skip the "handling fee"…in the high calling of our daily work.
There are six things the Lord hates—no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family. (Prov. 6:16-19)
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Contributors: Howard E. Butt, Jr.
Published by The High Calling, October 30, 2011. Image by
Dan4th Nicholas
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