Christian Bubbles, Health Insurance, and Strippers
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
I was brought up in a Christian bubble. When I was an earnest young Christian man, I considered the possibility of pursuing a career in the ministry. But God said “no,” so I bravely pursued other options, and eventually turned to business. At first, the prospects of working with non-Christians intimidated me, what with their worldly secular views, their foul language, promiscuous lifestyles and all of those dirty jokes I would have to endure. With time and experience though, I realized that the “secular” world was not so scary after all. It turned out the people I worked with were really not much different from me. Most of them were men and women of fine character, trying their best to do good, make a living and find some sense of purpose through the work that they were doing. Their spiritual journeys were simply running along different paths than the one mine had taken. The sad truth was that I had been brought up in a Christian bubble. I had been immersed in it to such an extent through Christian radio, music, TV, conferences, and books, that I had developed an outright skittishness towards those who didn’t see the world exactly as I did. I didn’t like them very much. Contrast this sheltered attitude with a recent post from Michelle Corbett’s Blog, Life on Purpose. She tells a story about her friend, Kristi, a committed Christian who works for an insurance agency. Kristi decided that she would go sell insurance to the employees at the local strip club. Because, after all, strippers need insurance too, right? In the process she was able to get to know some of these ladies, and one in particular began to confide in her. When Michelle asked Kristi the obvious question, “Wasn’t it….weird?” Kristi said, “I just looked them in the eye and treated them with respect.” Well. Isn’t that how we should look at everyone? Isn’t that what Jesus did with the woman at the well? And the woman accused of adultery? And the despised tax collector up in the tree? And countless others that were probably never recorded? Rather than being a prude, or afraid, or judgmental, Kristi saw right straight through the seedy, desperate façade into the hearts and souls of these ladies as children of God, in need of love and respect. That is precisely when influence can begin, and not a moment sooner. Bold move, Kristi. Sometimes we Christians can become so sheltered that we are afraid of our own shadows. We rant against the “secular” marketplace as being hostile towards Christians, instead of embracing the world around as opportunities to reveal God’s love. Even in the most unusual of circumstances.