New Vision
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Jennifer Dukes Lee has written a piece about her daughter helping her to see the world in new ways. Having three children, I would say that is one of the greatest joys children bring to us. New perspective. What makes a flower and what makes a weed? Children have different ideas.
My preschooler, Anna, helped me see God this week in an unexpected place -- amidst the weeds. The ditches along the country roads where I live are filled with towering sunflowers this time of year. The sunflowers have made their way into my landscaping, and along our dusty driveway. I pay little attention to them, except to pluck them when they shoot up between my rose bushes. I spray them with weed-killer when they try to steal the spotlight from my Russian sage. They are, after all, weeds. I looked out my kitchen window this morning, and I saw a clump of them standing clumsily by the shed. I want to kill them. Anna wants to pick them. I see weeds. Anna sees beauty....Read More