Welcome the Questions
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
Jennifer at Getting Down With Jesus welcomes the tough questions that arise when she and her seven-year-old daughter turn the pages of their Bibles. Some stories can cause a reader to wonder about our spiritual heritage upon encountering heroes of the faith who also "murdered, and stole, and got drunk, and said dumb things, and called down deadly curses on people who called them names." Even if she doesn't have all the answers, Jennifer invites the questions, wrestling with them alongside her daughter. Together they seek to understand and try "to find peace in the pieces—knowing God fits it all together with wood and nails on Calvary":
She's only 7, but we're reading some of the hard stories as we gather under her quilt at the close of each day. We dive into Living Words, and we welcome the questions these stories raise, for we know what can happen when we don't ask them. Silent questions breed doubt. So we ask them here, together. I glance at her, with that Bible open on her lap, and I see threads of myself behind those hazel eyes -- eyes that look like mine. And I know the pain of searing doubt that can creep up and fester between questions that I never had the nerve to ask at her age. Or when I was a teenager. Or even when I was 22. Would people see my doubting heart between the lines of my questions? So I didn't ask the questions, burying them under pride instead. And that's why we ask them here, now, with the Old Testament flopped open on our laps. It's easier to ask the questions when you have someone right beside you.
Read the whole post here. And welcome the questions. Recommended by Ann Kroeker. Image from photos.com.