Dear God, Thank You For This Crummy Job: November 23 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Many of our readers in the United States are celebrating Thanksgiving this week, complete with turkey dinner and pumpkin pie. It’s easy to be thankful for pie and turkey. It’s harder to be thankful for a lot of other things.
In Philippians 4, Paul invites people to rejoice in the Lord always. Always? Even when Christians are being persecuted by Rome? Even when Paul himself is in prison? Always? Even when someone I love is dying? Even when I have lost my job or when I hate my job?
“Do not worry about anything,” Paul continues. Instead, we are called to present our worries to God with thanksgiving. Be encouraged by this week’s writers to thank God for so much more than pie.
Don’t Worry, Be Thankful: The Dark Side of the High Calling
From The High Calling
When we approach the high calling of our work with gratitude and thanksgiving, we understand that God himself is the purpose of our work. Read more
Be Thankful in All Circumstances
From The High Calling
Even in the midst of suffering, even when we experience injustice, even when life isn’t working out as we wish, we can give thanks. Read more
From An Attitude of Ingratitude to Gratitude
From the Theology of Work Project
How can we become more thankful? By giving thanks. If we understand that everything we have is God’s—including the very capacity to work, engage in business, and build wealth—we will be grateful to God. Read more