He is Risen: Hope for Work at Easter: April 4 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
As Christians, we often look for the Resurrected Jesus in the lofty places, thinking that's where he’ll be. But we find God in ordinary places, in our everyday lives. This week we offer hope for finding God in a broken heater, a quiet armchair, and an average day at work.
How to Beat Back the Cold
From The High Calling
We waited for the furnace repairman, huddled together, remembering the story of a campfire breakfast with Jesus. And right then and there, we had our own campfire breakfast with Jesus.
Believing the Unbelievable
From The High Calling
He comes back to life. Could that be possible? No. It's not possible. It's a full-fledged, over-the-top miracle that somehow, mysteriously, I believe. It changes everything.
Going Fishing
From the Theology of Work Project
Do we expect, look for and long for the resurrection power of Jesus to be evident in our places of work? Do we believe he can transform our mundane, complex and often difficult situations just as he filled the disciples’ fishing nets to the bursting point?