Martin Luther King Jr’s Vision of Work: January 10 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
If you are a street sweeper, sweep the streets so well that all the host of heaven will pause to say that here lived a great street sweeper. So said Martin Luther King, Jr. As we prepare to celebrate MLK Day in 2018, it’s worth digging into the man’s legacy, the ways it’s being lived out today, and the work still left to be done.
Remembering Birmingham
From The High Calling
In this interview with Ed Gilbreath on the 50th anniversary of “I Have a Dream” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” we hear a call to “bravely live out the obligations of justice, discipleship and love."
Tearing Down Walls
From The High Calling
As a child, I began to wonder to myself, “Of all the places in America, you’d think the church could figure out how to get the colors and cultures together.” I’m still wondering about that.
You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me
From the Theology of Work Project
If we treat other people as things to be manipulated, obstacles to overcome, instruments to obtain what we want, or simply neutral objects in our field of view, then we demonstrate that we do not love God with all our heart, soul, and mind.