New Year, New You, Same Job: December 28 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
It’s almost 2017, and you may be making a list of New Year’s resolutions. Planning to get in shape? Read the Bible more? (We can help you with that one.) Clean out the attic? Be nicer to your coworkers? (We can help with that one too.)
So often it seems we start out the new year with all kinds of great ideas. But we also start with the same life we were living the previous year. So don’t get discouraged if your performance mid-January doesn’t keep up with your idealism. God doesn’t love us because of what we do. He loves us because we are his beloved children.
As Mark Roberts says in a great daily reflection, “Even as we once put off our old self and put on our new self, we are to choose to live into the new each day. At times, we fall back into our old ways of being and doing. But, by God's grace, through the work of his Spirit, we can choose to live as the new person we are in Christ.” This new year, as you renew your commitment to personal improvement, remember that you are always a new you in Christ.
Transformation That Endures
From The High Calling
Whatever the days ahead hold for you, know that you are enough, just as you are. Celebrate the person God created you to be, and let that be worship to him. Read more
New Creation
From The High Calling
Genuine newness doesn't come from calendars or culture. It doesn't come from well-wishing or willpower. Real, lasting, pervasive newness comes from God and God alone. Read more
Living According to the Spirit Leads to a New Quality of Life
From the Theology of Work Project
Christians in the workplace can improve everyone’s lives around them by setting their minds on a new quality of life. Read more