Racial Reconciliation in the Workplace: June 22 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Racial reconciliation takes work, and it’s work that needs doing. Amidst tragedies and protests in places like Ferguson, Boston, Charleston, and New York, Christians need to be salt and light, bearing the good news of 2 Corinthians 5:19: "In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. ”
And we can start where we spend most of our time: at our jobs.
In this newsletter we’ll hear how one man came to the conclusion that he needed to stick up for reconciliation. We'll be encouraged to seek the bridge-building love of God in all conflicts, even the most difficult ones. And we’ll be reminded that God sustains us at work when we suffer for his sake and for justice.
Let’s bring reconciliation to our troubled world. Read on.
why do we need to know what the bible says about work?
From the Theology of Work Project
One of our editors failed to challenge injustice when he worked at a racist gas station. Ultimately, it influenced his desire that we'd all have a more Biblical view of God's hand on our workplaces. Read more
The Bridge-Building Love of God
From The High Calling
The reconciliation offered on the cross breaks barriers and creeps past borders.
Suffering With Christ in Order to be Glorified With Christ
From the Theology of Work Project
Work forces us to face difficult challenges alongside people who are different from us. Over time this gives us confidence in God’s redeeming presence. Read more