Seasons of Work: Spring (April 18 Newsletter)
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
The days grow longer, the weather grows warmer, and we pull out our gardening gloves and put away our winter coats. It’s spring, the time of new life and hope. How does spring change our work? This week, our writers share stories of the way spring helps us see God’s renewing purpose in the world.
The Work of a Landscaper
From The High Calling
I trudge through the transitory and transcendent with a bucketful of compost, ankle-deep in glory and dust, a witness to the exquisite attention the Creator gives to the smallest weed.
Doing Our Best as an Act of Worship
From The High Calling
In college, spring and senioritis combined to make me blow off class. But neither God nor my professor let the story end there.
The Good News About Work
From the Theology of Work Project
Psalm 104 gives God the credit for each season. God worked in the beginning and he keeps working nurturing and sustaining the world.