What Will My Job Look Like in 10 Years? June 29 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Robots on assembly lines. Cars that drive themselves. The gig economy. Political uncertainties. Economic downturns. The news is full of troubling predictions about the future of work. Whatever you’re doing 10 years from now, it probably won’t look like what you’re doing now.
In this newsletter we’ll consider Joseph in the Bible—who changed jobs just a few times—to learn how to respond to changes in our own work. We’ll be encouraged to cultivate openness to the new and strange. And we’ll be reminded that no evolution of our work or workplace can ever separate us from the love of God.
We can’t predict the future either. But we’ve got resources to help you survive it and even thrive in it. Read on.
Joseph’s Management Experience
From the Theology of Work Project
Here are some practical tips for confronting future work uncertainties from a Biblical figure with a very checkered employment history.
Past Tense, Future Perfect
From The High Calling
Openness toward the future is healthy both spiritually and psychologically. Because Christ has made us his own, we can forget what lies behind us and strain towards what lies ahead. Read more
Nothing Can Come Between Us and The Love of God
From the Theology of Work Project
Christ’s faithfulness—and ours, by God’s grace—will overcome the worst that life and work can throw at us.