Guest Sam Thevanayagam talks to us about God's work of re-creation and making all things new through our every day work.
An attitude of humble service should accompany all we do at work.
ServiceMaster is one of the great corporate stories of the 20th Century. The company grew from a...
Our friend Frank Chen stopped by the Faith Driven Investor podcast to talk about how he’s helping...
How can you maintain integrity in a culture of self-promotion? A Christian at Facebook gives us a...
Speaking up, especially when you’re not in a position of authority, is not easy. So, how do you know when to speak...
Some managers baulk when Christian values are actually expected at work.
Servant leadership may be a corporate buzzword, but few people know how to practice it at work. It’s more than just being...
Text: Luke 5:1-11 1 One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the...
The Philippian Christians in Need of an Attitude Adjustment In the middle of the first century A.D., the Apostle Paul planted a...
His Work in Progress - A blog to encourage Christians in the workplace. ...
"I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make...
Joe Kreutz is founder, CEO and President of County Commerce Bank in Ventura, California. Joe had built so many relationships in his...
Headquartered in Philadelphia with 5,000 employees worldwide, CARDONE Industries is a global leader in the automotive parts remanufacturing industry. Founder, Michael Cardone, talks about how faith is put into action everyday. He is...
Do you believe that God can be glorified even if your work performance is sub-par?
NYT Columnist David Brooks shares some leadership advice: Good leaders can step outside their own egos to understand the opposition.
That year, for his six-month sabbatical, instead of hitting the speakers' circuit, Dr. Coleman took an unusual path: He spent two months digging ditches . . . two months in a kitchen . . . and two...
Today is St. Patrick’s Day. Most people think of this day as a time for wearing green and that’s about it (unless you’re Irish!).
Jim was CEO of the hospital, but he still served ice cream at the annual ice cream social. During the day, senior staff members scooped gallons and gallons of ice cream for anyone...
After two years of unemployment, my friend Mark finally landed a sales job. It’s not exactly what he had in mind as...
I am a sucker for superheroes. Every summer, the theaters fill up with the latest Spiderman, Batman, or Avenger. Most of the...
“But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader...
Then they began to argue among themselves about who would be the greatest among them. Luke 22:24 They just didn’t get it...
In all of my hustling to help everyone else look good and find value, I thought of myself more as a servant...
An amazing – and perhaps unprecedented – story occurred in Philadelphia.
Brent recently experienced "downward mobility." He was demoted. He had worked hard and long. But new owners had new ideas. And Brent was moved from a corner office to a cubicle—from a large...
A new leadership style is coming, and it arrived washing the disciples' feet. It is leadership that serves.
A certain major airline employs it. So do the Container Store and people and companies ranging from an NBA coach to the...
During the American Revolution, a man dressed in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers repairing a small stronghold. Their leader shouted instructions from his horse. The man asked the...
An Interview with Ken Melrose, Toro Company's former CEO.
The people of Bayview, Virginia, lived in shacks, used outhouses, and hauled water from wells. Generation after generation stayed mired in grinding poverty. Then a longtime resident, Alice Coles...
The hour was late, the moon was full, and the snow out our back window glistened like a Thomas Kinkade painting. That’s when the tears began. She was a woman-child, adolescence in full...
If you keep up with what is happening in the business world, “faith in the workplace” is becoming a significant topic in our day. Our reflex reaction when we talk about the workplace...
What springs to your mind when someone mentions the word "poet"? Starving artist? Irresponsible idealist? Literary egotist? Amoral rebel? All of the above? ...
God in the flesh lived personal sacrifice to the point of death on a cross. He lived personal service to the point of washing the disciples’ feet at the Lord’s Supper. That act...
Weighing in at one mighty chapter, Philemon is the shortest book written by Paul and one of the shortest in the entire...
Paul’s way into his request will sacrifice his position of leadership as an example of what he is about to ask.
How does faith change work and leadership? Lessons on leadership beyond rank and power from Philemon.
What Paul’s approach shows is that leaders need to be able to learn.
Genesis’s interest in Joseph’s management of the food crisis lies more in its effect on the family...
In the final episode of Joseph’s testing of his brothers, Joseph framed Benjamin for an imaginary crime and claimed Benjamin as a...
In Numbers 12, Moses’ brother and sister, Aaron and Miriam, try to launch a revolt against his authority. They appear to have...
Succession Planning (Deuteronomy 31:1-32:47) After the speeches, Joshua succeeds Moses as leader of Israel. “Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in...
Israel's leaders are indicted for their failure to care for the nation. Ezekiel 34 uses the metaphor of shepherding to illustrate how...
God's Generosity in Providing Us With Work for His Kingdom (Click to Listen) This parable is unique to Matthew’s Gospel. The owner...
Max DePree, Leadership is an Art (New York: Doubleday, 1989), 9.
This parable is about a slave who has been put in charge of the entire household. This includes the responsibility to give...
Up to this point in John, we have seen Jesus doing work that no one else had ever done before — making water into wine, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead...
Paul needs every ounce of courage because of the heavy sufferings he knows his work will bring. “The Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and persecutions are waiting for...
In this passage, Paul offers a definitive statement of what it means to be a leader.